Friday, December 14, 2012

Facebook frenzy

It's empowering to let go of wierd people. I know this appears to be a generalization, but I characterize weird behavior as someone that draws closer to you, and inextricably leaves without warning. They invite you into their personal lives, their children's lives, and without warning...disappear. Now it may seem like I am offended or even hurt by this. Yes, I am and was. But I had to realize that social media is just that "social". You may not really ever get to know a Facebook friend or a Twitter follower in real life. They aren't tangible in most ways. I held on to the simple notion that I actually could trust and believe that a person was who they said they were. After all, I have the terrible habit of wearing my feelings on my sleeve, and the "what you see if what you get" factor is my worst enemy. In short, I will miss my phantom Facebook friends and wish them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :) That's the TRUTH!!!!

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