Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jumping to conclusions

Since childhood, I have had the horrible habit of forming my own conclusions regarding ANY and EVERY situation I encountered. My word, if I had a penny for all the times I was completely wrong, left picking my jaw up off of the ground, I would be the richest witch on the planet lol! I recently had the misfortune of doing this very same thing. The key to recovery is admission right?

I am a Facebook addict. I know this, and my children know this. The Internet is perfect for those of us that lead a relatively quiet life....free from clubs, crowds, and chaos. I say this to say, that I know all of my 114 friends (to date) either directly or indirectly. I noticed that while playing one of my games online, a face that I realized I hadn't seen in awhile. This party invited my friendship due to WFTC (walk for the cause....cancer research). I can tell you now, that WFTC people are DIE hard individuals (no pun intended). They blog, chat, discuss, and encourage one another to walk walk walk for cancer research. As you put feet to pavement cyberly, you gain miles, thus donating money to charity. The trick is, that you can only walk so much (simply clicking your mouse with with each destination i.e. Central Park, alongside a lake, Antarctica etc) with 1 glass of water. To get more water, your teammates (other FB users that you solicit or that solicit you) can use a credit card and apply $$ to give you unlimited water...or you can do so yourself.

Here's where I have the problem. I am currently unemployed, a single mother of 4 children, meager income. I am not able to walk very far, thus not being as die hard as the others who have managed to walk to new continents lol!

Some WFTC participants, get so involved they encourage you to walk walk walk more more more! The 1 glass of water just won't allow for that. Seemingly, I felt that your teammates should come together and donate some water to the struggling teammate, or just let that person contribute as they see fit, or can. I started to feel immense pressure. It no longer became something I was proud of and felt passionately about. I have a dear friend that almost lost her battle with Cancer, so I always do what I can to put cancer awareness on the frontline. Needless to say, I cancelled WFTC application from my laptop.

So you say....Trina, what did you jump to conclusions about? Well, one of my WFTC teammates, dropped me from her friends list. I noticed that while playing a game. It had to have been sometime ago. But I immediately became filled with feelings of rejection, anger, and "oh no she didn't!!" I immediately shot off an email telling her it was shallow and how cancer impacted my life. I was so angry and offended! How dare she ask for my friendship on the condition that I participate in this "game." The application was faulty, and always had that "you're outta water, so no more walking for you" feel.

The next day I received a friend request from one of her WFTC friends explaining that the person lost her FB account and so she lost my info I guess. Well now, I feel silly and once again Treen Jumped to conclusions : (

The End

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