Monday, January 11, 2010

Quality Time

I love spending time with my teenage son Kejan. like now, were watching a scary movie, laughing at the graphic scenes and wondering whose going to be slaughtered next lol! It's times with my children, laughing and enjoying one another's company, that I'm the happiest. The greatest thing about kids, is that the love is unconditional. They have TRUE loyalty. They love you, flaws and all....and they have the most forgiving spirits. Think about a baby or even a toddler... You discipline or scold them, yet you're the one they run to or cry after when you're not around.

The greatest blessing God gave me is the ability to bear children and be a mother. I have 4 children and I'm 39 years old. I still want at least 1 more. People would judge me for that last statement because I'm currently a single parent. Although I'm married, I'm separated and receive no help from my spouse. he's finding his way in life (rolling my eyes lol). But it's my right! As a woman, as a mother, and if it's God's will, I'm having another within 2 years
: )

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