Friday, April 30, 2010


So excited about moving back home to Las Vegas. Never leaving! I just can't deal with all the negative changes that have taken place in Californiia. Culture shock, and horrible school district in Riverside!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cutting off the negative energy

Today marks the first day that I cut off certain family members that have nothing positve to add to my or my children's lives. They shall remain nameless, howver let's just say that offenses include: not identifying with our family because they decided to shift races....always commenting on my parenting and treating me with disrespect. I don't desire or need it, so I'm moving out of state and my numbers will change. The End

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Have 2 excellent job Las Vegas!!! I always end up there, but I've excepted that that's home for my family and I. Others may disagree, but I know that I was unsuccessful in California. It's broke, crowded, and no jobs. I guess L.A. county is still where it's at, but the Inland Empire is a dry no mans land.....Las Vegas Nevada here I come!!!! Right back where I started frommmmmmmmmmm

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I'm having the greatest week ever! One of my brothers allowed their 2 daughters plus a best friend to visit my children and I for the entire week!!!! Yay!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Off to a very late start!!! Got food poisoning last nite...recently became a vegetarian, and still haven't dyed eggs or put together the easter baskets waah! I'm moving at a snails pace, but nevertheless I'm moving lol! Happy Easter ya'll!!!